Monday 23 November 2009

Rolling in the snow:-)

LOL, that was fun!!! Winter comes with snow, that is a fact. We live at a beach but we like snow in Winter time so we asked one of the estate managers to change our land into snow instead of sand. She came over, she did it and it looked like sh**tt, all the borders were flickering, me and Oliver got so dizzy looking at it we asked her to remove it again, grrr. So far for snow at our place, of course Oliver and I are kind of hardheaded. We looked at each other and we said to each other: 'We want snow no matter what'. We decided to do it ourselves, together like always. Oliver said: 'If we mess up, we mess up together, if we succeed we will have snow:-)
So yesterday we started working, first Oliver got some huge prims, I did the snow texture, then we went home to put the huge snow prims down. Result? It worked perfectly and no flickering at the edges. I am kind of proud of myself and us:-)))
So we are now finishing our place with some winter trees, no pictures yet (this one was taken at one of the stores we were), but a soon as our winter place is finished I will publish some pictures here so you can see for yourself what a great job we did with it:-))
We are such a good team honey, I love you:-)

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