Friday 6 November 2009

Collision between Second Life and Real Life!

I have heard and read about how people mix Second Life with their Real lives and I think it's not possible not to. I spend a lot of time in Second Life and I admit that it has become a big part of my Real Life. But that are feelings, what we experienced yesterday was the fysical part of mixing Second Life with Real Life.
We were at this place called 'Paradise Music Club', yes a dance club because we felt like dancing (we always do), but at the club there was a TP thingy. And since Oliver and I always want to try everything we took the TP and this was the result.
Our ava's ended up in a piece of the Real World, I must say it was a very strange experience to see ourselves in that Real world.
But I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
I'm ready for our next adventure now, are you honey?:-)

1 comment:

  1. Second Life can take you by surprise sometimes. We wander, Muca and I, we see things, we explore and have our adventures. This place was more surprising than most. For a moment I felt as if I was with Muca in the real world, and that was an amazing sensation.
