Wednesday 2 September 2009

Meet Mateo:-)))

Yesterday I was not sure if I would see Oliver. I was on SL but felt a bit lonely and then it struck me. We still missed something at our home. A PET!!
I pulled myself out of my sadness and went to Zooby (best pets in SL) and there I found him, my brown Dobermann, I could not resist him so I got him and named him Mateo.
Today I was here for a while to read what Mateo can do and it's awsome! He does what every RL dog does even peeing on a newspaper;-)
He plays with me, he follows me, he eats, drinks, sleeps, barks and above all he keeps me company when my man is not here. That dog is so much fun.
And another interesting thing.. it's a watchdog with build-in security so tresspassers BE AWARE OF THE DOG!!!!!!!

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