Sunday 30 May 2010

I love gay people;-)

Well, it just had to happen one way or another... We adopted one more son, meet Spanki (Jessie's bro). Spanki and me had a couple of long talks and it just seemed kind of natural that we would adopt him. He is a sweet guy just like his bro Jess, he is not a teen (thank god, can't handle more teen sons lol), but a young adult who we welcome in our family with open arms. Fiddle doesn't know yet but I'm totally convinced he will be thrilled to have a big bro like Spanki. So I guess today we will get Spanki settled in (must ask landlord for more prims grrr) and then my family is complete. Lov ya son:-)))

Oh, right... Spanki took me to the place he works a couple of days a week, it's a gay club (yeh he is and we don't care), it's a great club and the guys were so nice, and the DJ played a great set of tunes (I might ask him for our barbecue party), your mom had a blast Spanki:-))

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