Saturday 23 January 2010

The past, the present and the future...

I haven't been blogging for a while but that is because so many things have happened in our sl lives lately.
I told here we want kids, well we had kids. First there was and still is Rosie, our 3 year old but last night she wanted to grow up, she wants to be a teenager, she asked me if she could and I said yes. Kids do grow up eventually but I am a bit sad though, I loved her to be my little one but well... she is 15 now and still are sweet girl:-)
Then there was Jessie, our teen boy, he was with us I think 3 times and after that we never heard from him again. I left him thousands of messages but no answer:-(
Then there was our sweet Anox. Anox is not our son but our cute furry newphew and also still in our family.
Then there was Maddy, she was 5 years old, was with us for about a week and after that again nothing anymore, I left thousands of messages with her too but just like Jessie she vanished from the SL globe:-(
Then there was Niamh, I liked her but she liked Oliver more, in fact she almost hit on him so I cancelled the adoption, sorry Niamh but it could never work between us:-(
And last but not least there is Fiddle, he found a mom and became our nephew, but Fiddle always wanted to be our son. It didn't work out with his mom so now he is on adoption trial with us. We will just see how that will end but I guess he is a keeper:-)
So now its us, our teen daughter Rosie and our little cool furry Fiddle:-)
Last night I was in a strange mood, I felt like abandoned by my kids, I felt dissappointment because Rosie grew up and on the other hand I felt happy because I still love my husband so so much.
What the future will bring for us??? At this point I have no idea, the only thing I want now is leave all the kids stuff behind me and have fun with the family I have now. I love you all very much!!

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