Saturday 10 October 2009


His name is Wolf and he is dutch and I like him, so he is my second friend in SL, and he met Oliver and all was good..
See you soon my Wolf;-)


  1. I'm very grateful to Muca having put me in her blog. It's really a surprise to me and a great way to show off... I like attention and being in the picture so... what more can I ask for. She is an interesting lady and I envy Oliver but I wish him all the luck in the world with her... I'm sure that one day I also will find my lady of delight...
    Wolf Walmer

  2. That is my Wolf, I know he likes the attention but that is not the reason why I got him on my blog. He is here because I just like him, he is fun, he is honest, a down to earth guy and becoming a good friend.
    So ladies out there, he is also great looking;-), he is a catch if you know what I mean:-)
    Wolf, you will find her, trust me:-)
    Now bedtime, see you soon in-world, huggs:-)
