Friday 17 December 2010

What is art?

I find it very difficult to define what art exactly is, or what an artist is. I think anyone who does something creative like painting, writing, photographing, making music, acting or dancing can be an artist.
I don't consider myself an 'artist' but I just like to think I'm creative. In RL I'm not that creative but in SL I have done many many things. That is the difference between me and Oliver, he is a very creative person in RL and a little less in SL. So we are the perfect match;-)
Now since our family situation has changed we got a lot of new space in our house, so we decided to create a hobby room for me and one for Oliver.
I already started last night as you can see. Since I love photography, my room will be a mixture of plain SL pictures and photoshopped pictures.
For Oliver it most likely will be a library full of books, a desk and a laptop;-)

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