Sunday 26 September 2010

Roses have thorns...

... and we all encounter them sometime in our lives (SL or RL or even mixed). The past weeks our lives SL and RL have not been easy. My son Spanki had problems, I did all I could to help fix em and... yep it worked;-)
But then Oliver got bad news in RL, and that I cannot fix and that makes me very sad. I love him so much, I wish I could take away his pain with some kind of sparkling magic, but I can't. The only thing I can do is be here/there for him.
As for me, I had my share too.. not so much as in pain... but I did have to say goodbye to my RL daughter. She is going to university and leaves the house, going to live alone and find her way in life.
Not easy for a mother to let go, so I'm kind of in a sad/strange/confusing mood tonight and I had to write it down:-)
Also I heard my other SL son Jess is a bit sick... grrr, blowing you a healing kiss my sweet son:-))
Anyway, we all meet the thorns of roses and they hurt but we get much stronger after the rose looses its thorns.
I love you all my SL family, my RL family... take care all and don't let the thorns get you down!

I love you Oliver.

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