Wednesday 29 June 2011

I'm back

Yes I am back after a long time. My RL got in the way.... me and Oliver had problems, we had no idea to solve them but somehow we did. We did departner, somehow that took away a bit of pressure of my shoulders.
The past months we did not socialize, we did not meet friends nor family, we were cought up in a RL/SL spin. We just worked things out a couple of days ago.
We got new land, I rezzed my old house, we decorate now... I have no idea what the future will bing but for now I am happy with what we decided.
It's not ideal, not for both of us, but it's the way it is now and I'm happy:-)

Here you see me in our living room, just set it up with coffee cups.. I know Oliver likes his coffee iin the morning and his newspapers:-)))

I'm back:-))))